Finding The Right Investment!

As a Specialist Residential Investment Finance Advisor, Streams understands you, the investor, knowing that finding the right investment property to suit your needs and objectives can be difficult….

Therefore, as an additional service to you, our investor customer, we can now provide you unique access to available wholesale Investment Properties throughout Australia that has among the highest potential for income and capital growth via… ‘Streams Property.’

‘Streams Property’ provides an investment property service proposition that is of the highest quality, backed by service providers we have personally researched and endorsed.

What that means to you is that we can assist you, through in depth research, potentially find the perfect investment property for your needs, at no obligation to you.

Whilst it is of the utmost importance of knowing where to invest, what type of property to invest in, the demographics, potential return etc…. You could spend 1,000’s of hours, months even, researching, but the risk is that you could still get it wrong…

‘Streams Property’, partnering with Horizon Property Alliance, also provides, at no obligation to you, a personal consultation with our Independent Licensed Property Specialist, to assess your investment property requirements in line with your investment strategy and objectives, to locate the right investment property for you.

This includes detailed analysis and reports on properties you have interest in through ‘Streams Property’.

For the ultimate in Service and access to available Investment Properties Australia wide, go to our ‘Streams Property’ page or click on the below link to access ‘Streams Property’ direct.

Either way, call Streams Today to discuss further or arrange your no obligation and personalised consultation…

We make no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information relating to the property.  Some information has been obtained from third parties and has not been independently verified. Accordingly, no warranty, representation or undertaking, whether express or implied, is made and no responsibility is accepted by us as to the accuracy of any part of this, or any further information supplied by or on behalf our behalf, whether orally or in writing.

No entity or person guarantees the performance of the property.  The information is general information only and any examples given are for illustrative purposes.  The information does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation or needs.  We recommend that you obtain financial, legal and taxation advice before making any decision.  Any price is not a valuation and should not be relied on or treated as such.  Prices, if indicated, have been estimated based on recent market evidence in the locality for comparable properties, to the extent available.  Prices may not include GST.